Tag: love yourself

It’s about time you love yourself. I mean it!

March 19th, 2012 — 3:31pm


There are three reasons I’m posting about a candle:

  • The packaging gets me every time. I just love it.  Many years ago, when I was just getting my feet wet in the makeup artist business, I worked at a beauty products boutique in Washington, DC.  During my introduction to all the products in the store, I distinctly remember my delight when I opened the pretty little turquoise box from the lovely brand TOCCA (it means to touch in Italian, which makes sense since they began as a gorgeous clothing line),  to smell the candle. There, on the inside of the lid, was the perfect message, with the perfect two words, in the perfect cursive font. It read:  LOVE YOURSELF. These candles quickly became my go-to gift for everything from housewarming to baby shower. They have about 25 different scents, and being the picky person that I am, I have my favorites.I didn’t realize at the time how impactful that branding would be for me, nor did I know that I would spend my entire adult life with that sentiment as the main focus of my work. Ensuring that my clients feel good about themselves – and of course I’m not just talking about their eyeshadow or lipstick – is super important to me.
  • It’s just about Springtime here in NYC, and it’s time for me to begin introducing the scents of the season into my apartment. Deep, woodsy, musky scents will take a back seat to fresh, citrusy, and outdoorsy aromas. This one fills the room with pungent green tea, lemon, and sugar. Delicious!
  • Finally, I like it because it’s called Bianca – the name of someone I adore!

in case you were wondering who that gorgeous couple is in the photo: it’s my dad’s incredibly beautiful parents, miriam and edwin, on their wedding day, who loved each other oh-so-much.


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