Tag: bach remedies

Alexis Smart Flower Remedies

August 18th, 2013 — 10:57pm


Late one night while I was in LA this winter, I was trolling the internet, and  came across a store selling small blue bottles filled with liquid. The print on the label read: Alexis Smart Flower Remedies. How curious. The link took me to Alexis’ website, where I very quickly read about her, and learned that an interested buyer could go so far as to have a consultation with Alexis – a skilled flower remedy practitioner – and that she would mix up a special batch for that person, tailor made to treat their woes.  I erroneously came to the conclusion that these little bottles contained essential oils for aromatherapy purposes, and I decided I would contact her immediately for a consult since I’m so often helped by pick-me-up scents in the afternoon, and calm-me-down scents in the evening (and when I’m freaking out).

I read through the comments on Alexis’ website. Person after person had left her glowing reviews. It seemed that through working with Alexis, everything from anxiety to depression to over-eating to acne and even irritable bowel syndrome could be eradicated. The reviews were written in such different voices that even my skeptical nature – thinking that the owner of the site wrote all the comments – was quelled. I emailed her immediately to ask for a  consultation so that I, too, could find scented relief from my worst ills.

The response email from Alexis was so kind. She invited me to come in, and gently stated that it seemed I didn’t fully understand what kind of practitioner she is, or what was in the little blue bottles, but that she would explain when I arrived.

My consultation with the beautiful, soft spoken, kind, and intuitive Alexis lasted about an hour, and consisted of me telling her about myself – how I’ve come to be who I am,  how I deal with the emotions I experience, past hurts, thought patterns, physical ailments – you name it; Alexis said she was the detective, trying to learn every little thing she could about me, as she wrote down key pieces of info that would lead her to making the contents of my little bottle.

She asked me a handful of questions, wrote and then crossed things out on a notepad–all the while, making me feel extremely comfortable – and then when I’d shared enough, she began to tell me so much about myself – things I knew, but hadn’t ever been able to put into words. She told me how the classifications of flower remedies worked, and then we discussed which ones she thought I needed to take. I agreed with everything she suggested.

How would I know it was working, and what exactly would it do to me, I asked her when she returned from the kitchen with a little bottle on which she’s written the ingredients and my name. She smiled and said: you’ll just know. For me, this wasn’t sufficient, and I asked again: but how long until most people feel like it’s working? Alexis’ response was the best visual ever: I want you to picture you are a loaf of bread, standing on one end. I’m slicing off the top end, looking in at all of the holes, and pouring the remedy over the top. The liquid knows where to take itself, how to navigate the holes, and soak in where it’s needed.  It can heal old wounds we didn’t even know were causing us problems and make us feel whole and vibrant when we didn’t know we weren’t. If you want to know more about flower remedies,  Alexis breaks it down into pretty simple English here.

I’m about to request my third bottle (with each new bottle, you consult with Alexis about what’s going on with you, what changes you’ve seen, what you’d like to see), and I can honestly say this: Flower Essences are powerful, real, and Alexis Smart knows her stuff. In addition to the emotional stuff she’s helped me with, without a doubt she’s helped clear my acne. That alone has me indebted to her for life!

She offers pre-mixed versions of the little blue bottles on her website and in select stores around the country. She’s also available for in-person and telephone consultation sessions. I’ve sent a few friends and clients to her since we met less than a year ago, and each has reported back glowing reviews.

I’m about to enlist some friends to take part in a little beauty experiments using Alexis’ Beauty Formula No. 8. I’m very excited to see how this goes. Keep ya posted!

Everyone, meet Alexis:


and this is the view as you approach her house:


I can’t wait to go back!


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